Title: Digital Marketing & PPC Predictions
Type: Seasonal Demand Generation Campaign
Format: Daily Advent Calendar + eBook
Campaign Description
This was an innovative and interactive lead generation campaign, that gathered predictive video insights from legendary PPC experts and presented them in an advent calendar format. We arranged all of the predictions on a landing page and unlocked a new video square each day. Marketers could sign up for the campaign at any point during the month to see all of the unlocked predictions. I recorded my personal prediction as the last day of the calendar.
Project Links
Goals of the Project
To generate new leads for the sales team
To create a memorable brand campaign that celebrated the season
This campaign generated hundreds of new leads during a period that is typically a seasonal lull. The campaign also generated hundreds of referrals to the website, largely because of the experts featured. All of the participants were proud to share with their personal social media networks. The campaign also received dedicated coverage from this industry blog, as a good example of content marketing and PPC:
9 PPC Marketing Trends to Look Out For in 2019
“Content marketing has been a productive lead gen channel for some time now, but we feel that it began to really hit its stride in 2018 when the quality of free content saw a dramatic increase. Our personal favorite was this kick-ass advent calendar made by the folks at Acquisio.”
Ish Jindal, Co-founder at Tars