Title: Troubleshooting the Internet: A Training Manual Brought to You by the World’s First Domain Registrar
Type: Content Audit + Paid Social Campaign
Format: Website Redirection Strategy + eBook
Campaign Description
This campaign began with an initiative to update and optimize years of valuable content. A content audit was performed to identify which pieces of content were ranking in Google and attracting organic search traffic. A semantic keyword analysis was completed to aggregate pieces of content that were potentially competing with one another on search engine results pages. Grouped topics and articles were rewritten and assembled into an informative and interesting ebook. Former authors, subject matter experts, and stakeholders were contacted and consulted during the writing and approval process.
Goals of the Campaign:
To improve and optimize valuable outdated content on the Network Solutions website, while testing paid social media promotion.
To reach and convert a new and highly relevant segment of mid-funnel customers using LinkedIn’s demographic insights, internal feedback, and custom segment targeting.
The final version of this ebook was modified and released by the Network Solutions team. The results of this campaign are under NDA.
Project Links